Get your manuscript ready for journal editors
Choosing a journal
Submitting manuscripts to an unsuitable journal is one of the most common reasons for early rejection and publication delays.
Check if a journal is right for you:
- read the aims and scope on the journal website
- consider if researchers in a related field might be interested in your study. If so, a journal that covers a broad range of topics may be best. If only researchers in your field are likely to want to read your study, then a field-specific journal may be best.
- verify if your target journal accepts the type of manuscript you want to publish
- look beyond the Impact Factor - it’s just one measure of a Journal's reputation
- consider the impact of other work published in the journal and whether your research is of a similar level.
- check if the "time to publication" is suitable to your needs
Find the right journal
Save time and let our Journal Suggester recommend journals
that match your research interests from our BMC and Springer portfolios.